Monday, March 31, 2008

Cultural and Social Geography Cluster

Today I finally find myself in a research cluster in the department. Unfortunately, I was one of 2 grad students attending the meeting and the other one was a PhD/staff! Sigh. I was a fish out of water. The most out of place. Luckily I got to keep myself busy and useful being the note taker. I'm a sucker for these things I know.

Seems like graduating Masters students don't have the incentive to join such cluster. I guess I appreciate the experience for future academia endeavors.

There is also a lot of issues of straddling more than one group. Alas. Why must we only join one group? Some research subjects simply cross these artificial sub-discipline divides.

Meanwhile, I finally managed to return one of the library books which I've been seriously sitting on and not doing anything.

So much to do, so little time.

To show my support, I wrote my little write up for the CSACGA(?) website

TAN Monkey, M.Soc.Sci
Thesis Topic: Singapore and its Agricultural Hinterlands: Urban Demand Impact on the Environmental Behaviour of Malaysian Vegetable Farmers

Research Interests:
* Social Capital and Nature Conservation
* Social Ecology of Conservation and Development
* Sustainable Consumption and Production
* Ecological Footprint and Food Systems
* Environmentalism and Cyberadvocacy

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