Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Teaching Responsibilities

Met up with H who is the lecturer im assisting this sem.

My responsibilities include:
1) Attending first lecture, week 6 lecture (i.e. the test), week 8 lecture (when nature in the city will be discussed), and week 10 lecture.
2) Helm the lecture on Sept 18 (administering midterm test or perhaps even speak on something)
3) In charge of tutorials/discussions sessions for week 10 sessions on conservation.

It all sounds very exciting and I shall pull on my role model TAs who have left a memorable impression on me in my undergrad years - namely Cheng Puay and May.

Think I should start on the readings *gah* it's quite a lot and I must start thinking of what I will be speaking of in the class even though it's 2 months away!

Meanwhile I must prepare for the talk I am giving to the industrial design students.

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