Thursday, June 19, 2008

Teaching modules next sem

I was looking at the list of modules offered next sem and saw many new faculty listed. It seems like the 2 new physical geography positions have been offered to James Terry and Alan Ziegler. I wonder what of CC Feng? How confusing. Only time will tell. There are also some new visitings including one teaching topics in petroleum science! So upsetting :( We have finally been reduced to money grabbing oil geologists.

On the other hand, I think I shall stick to TA-ing modules I am familiar with such as Nature and Society. Second choice would be Southeast Asia because having spend a summer working with Southeast Asianists and working in Southeast Asia, I feel confident. Then finally I wouldn't mind doing Changing Landscape again... I suppose. It'll be too soon to tell but I rather do Nature and Society above all. For Southeast Asia, Victor already asked me to stand in for the first lecture so that would be enough to satisfy my Southeast needs.

I'm kinda disappointed that for my last semester, I will be going away and unable to teach. Sigh. I do love teaching so much. In the university at least. So much more room for sharing information and diversity in topics. It's oh-so-boring to teach the basics. There is a new module called Planet Earth. That sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind sitting in on that myself! :)

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